Whenever you want to convince someone of something, you must first capture their attention and then be able to maintain it throughout the process.
And it's not that easy, even when it would be beneficial for them to listen to you, which is quite frustrating, right?
Especially nowadays, with all the distractions in the world literally a swipe away on your phone.
So even having access to the ideal customers for your business and the perfect offer for them is not enough.
Because you need a way to keep them glued to the screen until they understand why it is good for them to buy from you.
So if you want this to happen, you need to follow these 2 simple steps:
1 - Let the "conversation" flow naturally
First of all, you should try to intrigue the reader from the very beginning.
How is it done?
First by giving him a clue as to what he will get from giving you his attention.
Literally a reason to care.
And then you just have to give them a valid reason to read the next line, and the next, and the next… because they want to know more.
Making it interesting enough that they want to read the next line and find out more, like I'm doing with you right now.
But most importantly, a little "secret" I can give you to make them feel happy to give you their attention is...
...drum roll...
...speak like a real person.
It seems obvious, but I swear to God most of the stuff I find online looks like it was written by a robot.
And the worst thing is that this is sometimes exactly the case with new AI technology (which mostly sucks, by the way).
So the main concept to keep in mind here is that you should try to speak as you would in a real-life conversation with someone you know.
This way the text will actually flow like an interesting conversation that people WANT to participate in, rather than a textbook lecture that someone HAS to focus on.
Your customer will thank you for this, trust me.
Your ideal client will enjoy reading everything you have to say about them, because it will literally be like listening to you speak directly to them, human to human.
And that brings us to the second point, which is…
2 - Tell a good story
Telling intriguing stories is something we have enjoyed since the beginning of human civilization.
We have a primal instinct to listen to an interesting story. Both because it can be entertaining and because we know that we can usually learn something from it.
Now, you can notice how any good movie or book always has the same structure:
Presentation, conflict, resolution.
Any story that can intrigue an audience usually revolves around someone who has to deal with a problem that causes turbulence in their life.
And after overcoming some obstacles and difficulties, he becomes a better person with a better life in the process.
Which is very similar to a format you can use in any article you write, any advertising you use, and any sales call you make:
The good old PAS formula.
Problem, agitation, solution.
Basically you have to address a major problem in the reader's life.
Enlarge it in their mind by also making them feel that they have been understood, by putting obstacles that could prevent them from solving that problem, and then explain to them the best solution to give them a happier life, without all the problems they had before.
If you do, you’ll be surprised at how many more people will listen to your message and understand what the best thing to do is.
Which is usually buying from you, right?